The Situation of Spring Revolution in Ethnic Areas
Quarterly Report (May – July 2024)
The Federal Journal-Myanmar gathers information and publishes situational reports monthly on public activities, movements and coordination of the ethnic peoples in resisting the military junta in Myanmar. By this time, the report focused on the political dynamic and conflict development in the past three months (from May – July 2024) by examining about casualties in both sides (military junta and resisting groups) due to conflict incidents, destruction of civilian structures due to the Junta’s operation and shelling, displacement and administrative or political coordination bodies in Ethnic areas.
Part (I)
- Armed Clashes and casualties in both sides
In the past three months from May to July 2024, the total of 519 armed clashes occurred between the SAC’s troops and resistant forces. Rakhine state was the most conflict incidents happened region with the total of 134 times, followed by Kachin state and Shan state with 98 and 97 respectively. The number of incidents in Karen, Chin, Mon and Karenni state were reported with 64,51, 39 and 36 respectively. In those three months of armed conflicts, at least 2402 junta troops were killed and about 120 fighters from resistant forces gave their lives for the success of revolution.
- Kachin state
In the past three months, at least 98 armed clashes happened between the junta troops and joint forces of KIA and PDFs. During those armed conflict incidents, at least 136 troops of SAC were reportedly killed and the 27 soldiers from the revolutionary gave their lives for freedom.
A joint force of Kachin Independence Army – KIA and People Defense Force – PDF seized many SAC outposts such as Nhkram, Kagam, Sama, Nga Gyang, Gidon, Nambyu, LIB 46 near Sumprabum town, LIB 321 at Shwe Nyaungpin village in Waimaw township and other small bases in Kachin state in May 2024. Additionally, the joint force of KIA and PDF also captured SAC and militia outposts such as 13 miles gate (Gawsetuyang), Bumtawng militia base, Lapai militia base, Dingka outpost and Sadung tactical outposts along the road between Waimaw township and Sadung-Kanpaiti town, seized SAC and Shanni militia outposts called Woilung, Nyaungpin, Chaungwa located between Inndawgyi of Mohnyin township and Phakant township in June 2024. The joint forces of KIA completely captured the SAC’s LIB 437 of Moe Mauk town in Kachin state in July 2024.
- Chin state
In Chin state, the 51 times of clashes between SAC soldiers and Chin resistant forces was reported in the past three months. Local sources claimed that at least 53 SAC troops were killed in those incidents and 37 fighters fell from the side of resistant forces.
A joint force of Chin defense forces and the Chin National Army – CNA seized the two towns called Tonzan in the northern part of Chin state by overrunning SAC’s LIB 269 base and Cikha town located near the border of Chin state and Manipur of India in May 2024. The joint forces of Chin Brotherhood conducted Operation CB and seized the town of Matupi by attacking successfully on the bases of SAC’s LIB 304 and 140 on. 29 June 2024. It was reported that the forces of the Chinland Council also recontroled the SAC base on the mountain of Cannedy in June. Furthermore, the joint force of CC seized the total of 6 SAC outposts; 3 outposts in Auto mountains of LID 77 in Thantland and the other 3 SAC outposts located between Hakha and Thantland towns in July 2024.
- Shan state
In the past three months, the total of 97 times armed clashes were reported in Shan state in which more than 230 troops of SAC were killed and 27 fighters of revolutionary groups also fell during the incidents.
In the past three months, armed conflict between a joint force of resistant group (Phekhon People Defense Force, Innlay PDF) and SAC troops happened in Moe Bye and Phekhon. Armed conflict between SAC and revolutionary groups were taken place at Nyaung Pin village, Taung Pokwe village in Nyaung Shwe township, Nan Tok village in Pinlong township in Shan state. In June 2024, 1027 second round operation started again and revolutionary groups seized 24 outposts of SAC. Those captured SAC outposts are Naaik khan, Sakanta, Nyeinchanyegone, Artillery unit 352, Inkyinkine, GAD office and Police office in Kyaukme township, LIB 115, police office, Kantkaw, Khemon, LID 33 base, hospital, Toe Gate, factory, Putayone, Shwenyaungpin, Oungmati outpost in Naungkio township, Daw Nan Kyi taung, Tactical gone, Shwetaya, Pantapyay, Phyu Yaung gone outposts in Mogok township. In July, fighting between between SAC’s LIB 501 and 502 and TNLA happened due to the advancing of SAC troops in Kyaukme. In the east of of Mogok, a joint force of TNLA, PLA and PDF attacked SAC’s LIB 71/88 bases. It was reported that the MNDAA also captured the SAC’s LIB-23 in Hsipaw township. In order to complete control, the Lashio which is the center of North-East Command of SAC, TNLA and MNDAA released their capture of the North East Command center after seizing LIB 41, 68, LIB 507. A joint force of TNLA, MNDAA resumed the second-round of 1027 operation and conducted fighting against SAC troop in northern Shan state and some part of Mandalay region. In July, a joint force of TNLA and PDF seized the town of Mongmit as the outposts of SAC under Mongmit Tactical Command known as LIB 223, LIB 348 were successfully attacked. In addition, TNLA captured the SAC’s military No. 606 in Nawngkio of northern Shan and MNDAA also captured SAC’s Hopaik gate No. 912 (engineer battalion) located outside the Lashio town in the north of Shan state. During the second-round of 1027 operation, a joint force of TNLA and PDF were able to capture SAC’s outposts in Nawngkio and Mogok towns.
- Karenni state
In the past three month from May to July 2024, clashes between SAC and the joint force of Karenni occurred more than 36 times which killed 97 military junta troops and 23 from the resistant forces.
In May, the joint force of Karenni seized defensive ouposts of SAC in Phasaung town, SAC’s LIB 134 and LIB 135. In June, joint force of Karenni also overrun one of the most strategic outpost of SAC called Mesalaung mountain in Bawlakhe district. In July, fighting between Karenni National Defense Force -KNDF and SAC happened in Koikaw town, and fighting between Karenni Army – KA and SAC’s Phasaung based LIB 134 happened.
- Karen state
In the past three months, fighting between joint force of revolution group (KNLA and PDF) and SAC occurred for more than 64 times which killed 174 the junta troops and 19 fighters from resistant side.
A joint force of resistance led by Karen National Liberation Army – KNLA were able to seize the SAC’s base located at Laynaw village in Winye township which is within Brigade 6 of the KNU in May. Moreover, the resistant forces seized 17 outposts of SAC also in KNU’s brigade 3 area in Kyaukyi township, NyaungLaypin district, and SAC’s troops left from the other 10 outposts as well. In June, joint forces led by KNLA captured SAC’s LIB 560 located in the eastern of Kawkareik township, Dupala district. In July, the intensive fighting between SAC and revolutionary groups were also reported to be happened in Kawkareik and Myawaddy townships.
- Mon state
In the past three months, fighting between Mon resistant forces and SAC occurred at least 39 times in which more than 34 the junta troops were killed and 10 fighter from the side of revolutionary group fell in the battles for freedom.
In May, clashes between the military junta and Mon revolutionary forces happened in the areas of Kalagonkhyun in Lamine sub-town, Ye township in Mon state. In June, clashes were happened in the NMSP’s control areas Myauk village and Yaphu village in Dawei district, Pinegone villages in Kyaikto township, Thaton district between SAC and Mon revolutionary groups. In July, NSP-AD and resistant forces attacked the gates of SAC and Thanbyuzayat township police station. In Mon state, the most and second most airstrike of the SAC happened in Kyaikmaraw township and Ye township.
- Rakhine state
In the past three months, clashes between AA and SAC were more than 134 times in which 1678 SAC troops were reported to be killed.
In May, Arakan Army – AA was able to control the whole areas of Butidaung township after capturing 20 battalions of SAC such as LIB 551, LIB 353, LIB 535, LIB 263, LIB 233 Artillery Unit 378, LIB 234, LIB 345, LIB 352, military tactical center No.15 and Centers of Border Guard Force No (8), No (3) and so on. After capturing all the battalions in Budidaung township, AA seized many SAC bases called Tower, Kyaukpandu, khuhson Pyah, Myin Hlaut, Inn Din, Na Kha Kha (6) and (9) in Maungdaw township in the first week of June. In the second week of June, AA continuously seized Na Kha Kha (4), outposts of SAC like Aledankyaw, Mawrawady tactical command, Hnakaungdo and other bases in Maungdaw township. Then, it was reported that AA was able to seize the rest SAC troop bases such as LIB 55, Kwin Wine Ye, Makyi Chaung BGF, LIB 566 which based in Tandwe in July.
- The Impact of Conflict incidents on Civilians
In the past three months from May to July in 2024, at least 474 civilians were killed due to the airstrikes and indiscriminate artillery shelling of SAC, landmine in conflict areas and shot dead in conflict incidents in ethnic areas. At least 887 houses were reported to be destroyed by torching, shelling into civilian resident areas by SAC.
In the past three months, civilian casualties were reported in Rakhine as the highest in the with 198 people, followed by Shan state as the second highest with 135, Mon state with 55, Karen with 29, Chin, Kachin and Karenni with 16 each state respectively.
When looking at the civilian structure destruction in the reporting period, Shan state stands as the highest with 260 houses, followed by Karenni with 160, Chin state with 150, Kachin with 100, Karen with 70 and Mon with 24 respectively.
Part (II)
The Activities of State/ Ethnic Councils and Committee
- Ta’ang Political Consultative Committee – TPCC
In the past three months, TPCC held a workshop on May 20, 2024 that related to the federal democratic charter in Maingawh township in which 175 civilians attended the workshop. In the workshop, discussion about FDC and TPCC. Five Ta’ang CSOs initiated a discussion on June 6 to 8 in Kuatkai town by the participation of 64 representatives from TPCC, Ta’angLand Education Council, Ta’ang Environment Watching Group, Ta’ang media departmentand other leaders and representatives, then announced the reformation of the Ta’ang CSO organizational structure by 1/2024. Ta’ang CSOs known as Ta’ang Women’s Organization – TWO, Ta’ang Students and Youth Union – TSYU, Ta’ang Legal Aid Founadation – TLAF, Ta’ang Education Institute – TEI and Ta’ang Health Organization – THO organized the workshop in order exchange idea, extend coordination, draft the future workplans, to reform the Ta’ang CSO coordination body. In the statement, it is known that the workshop included presentation, evaluation, and panel discussion. The common agreement came from the workshop included the structure, political position, future plan. According to the statement the newly reformed Ta’ang CSO coordination body would be independence, work for civilian and promote peaceful coexistence with other ethnic groups. The statement also stated that Ta’ang CSOs will keep working to end the military dictatorship, build federal democracy, end racial superiors in Myanmar.
- Mon State Federal Council
The Mon State Federal Council – MSFC held its second conference in May 2024. After the conference, three branches; legislative committee, Executive committee and Judiciary committee were reformed. According to the constitution of MSFC Chapter (8), the executive committee was formed with 10 members to responsible for interim (revolution period) administrative arrangement. According to the released statement, the executive committee will extend its coordination with other ethnic revolutionary groups, spring revolution actors, CSO and CBOs. On May 30, 2024, the 267th anniversary of memorizing the end of MonHantarwaddy, a statement was released saying that it is the time of preparation for MSFC to lead in building the future of Mon state and so MSFC will promote the coordination with Mon organizations which stand against the military dictatorship. The statement urged Mon people to support by any means in rebuilding New Mon-state Hantarwaddy and supporting Mon revolutionary actors as they will fight the end-battle soon.
- Chinland Council
The meeting between the Chinland Council and Federal and States Coordination Commission – FSCC of NUG was held on May 17 via zoom. In that meeting, the Chairman of FSCC who is the acting president of NUG ; Duwa Lashi La, Mahn Win Khaing Than a Co-Chairman of FSCC who is also Prime minister of NUG, Secretariate member of FSCC also attended the meeting from the NUG side. From the Chinland Council side, the chairman of CC Pu Cing Cung and member, Pu Hung Naing (Chairman of Chinland Hluttaw) and members, Pu Pa Thang (Chief Minister of Chinland government) and members, Pu Thomas Thang No (Chief of justice of the Chin state Supreme Court) attended the meeting. The meeting included presentations about objectives, activities from each side, discussed and agreed on four action plans to extend coordination between the two parties. The third times of the Chinland Council was held and accepted some Chin local actors as member of the Chinland council. The council urged the United League of Arakan/ Arakan Army to stop military operation, fighting in Chinland, to avoid trying to set up administration without the consent of Chin people and stop violating human rights over Chin people in order to avoid conflict between the two communities.
- Karenni State Consultative Council
KSCC approved Karenni youth policy in accordance with Karenni Interim Arrangement in May by the 39th regular meeting of Karenni state consultative Council. The chairman of Karenni Interim Executive Council delivered a speech in which he spoke out the 5 missions; (1) to implement Karenni administration in accordance with state interim arrangement, (2) to support people’s needs including protecting their property, life safety and security, (3) to follow the direction of State Consultative Council while doing the rule of law and transitional arrangement, (4) to be one of the member states to join and form the federal Union which guarantees self-determination, national equality, human rights and democracy (5) to practice the administration in accordance with self-determinaiton that must be enjoyed by the member state of the federal Union. He also pointed out that Karenni Interim Executive Council was formed by the representatives, leaders and actors of people from (8) townships. In karenni state, in order to implement public safety and to promote the rule of law, Karenni State Police was formed, Health department was formed and working health activities like giving treatment, basic health services by the coordination of health actors. In the education sector, 3 kinds of educations; Higher education, vocational education and basic education are being implemented in Karenni state.
References –
- Independence Medias
- Interim State Consultative Councils
- Reports of ethnic human rights organizations and CSOs
- Ethnic medias
- Exclusive interviews of the Federal Journal Myanmar
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