Post-Coup State/Ethnic based Consultative Councils
Summary of activities (August to September 2021)
After the military coup, various stakeholders formed political coordination in each of their own states and ethnic groups. To date, five state/ethnic level coordination platforms have been formed and seen in Kachin, Kayah, Chin, Mon and Shan states. No state-level coordination body after the coup has not been observed yet in Rakhine and Kayin states.
- Chin State -ICNCC
The Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC) was formed jointly in April by CNF (armed group), political parties, members of parliament and civil society groups involved in the uprising, is currently drafting the Chin Charter and plans to finalize it before the end of November. After the approval of the Charter, it is intended to form an interim Chin National Unity Government in December, according to officials. Currently, the ICNCC has formed the Humanitarian Committee and the Covid-19 Committee, and these committees are learning to start providing public servicing to the people of Chin.
- Kayah state – KSCC
The Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) was made up of 37 members from elected members of parliament, political parties, Ethnic Armed Groups, civil society organizations, youth and women’s organizations, which is intended to perform the interim administration, defence and security, education, health, food and shelter for the people within the state. As the KSCC is preparing to build a strong government at the state level, Kareni State Police (KSP) and Education and Health Committees have been formed and started functioning activities in those sectors. State Defense and Security Committee, Humanitarian Committee and Political Support Committee have been set up, and efforts are being observed to implement the respective activities.
- Mon state – MSICC
The Mon State Interim Coordination Committee (MSICC) is formed by the leadership of activists who have been taking part in the Spring Revolution in Mon State. The MSICC aims at the following principles: overthrowing the dictatorship, restoring democracy, national equality, self-determination and building a Federal Union. MSICC is cooperating with the NUG government and is currently negotiating for the ratification of the NUCC-drafted Federal Democracy Charter. No plan of forming an interim Mon State government is observed.
- Kachin state – KPICT
The Kachin Political Interim Coordination Team was formed and led by a 15-members committee on March 9-11 with three representatives from five local and foreign Kachin organizations. It is learnt that it plans to form an interim Kachin State government soon. From August to October, KPICT is observed focusing on mobilizing and awareness-raising to the community and public through an online platform. 5. Shan state – TPCC
The Ta’ang Political Consultative Committee (TPCC) is made up of 11 members and 6 reserved members from Ta’ang political leaders, members of the Ta’ang party, Hluttaw representatives and civil society organizations. The TPCC is cooperating with the National Unity Government which is formed by the CRPH for the emergence of federal democracy.
It is observed that the TPCC will prioritize political coordination, cooperation, negotiation, Ta’ang Regional Administration, and public movement. The TPCC’s spoke person Nai Aung Mai told the Federal Journal that an interim Taang Region Administration has been set up in accordance with the CRPH’s guidelines to assist vulnerable people.
Compiled and presented by the Federal Journal.