
Brief Updates about Township/Tribal based Defense Forces in the Ethnic States

Brief Updates about

Township/Tribal based Defense Forces in the Ethnic States

(Between August to October 2021)

               Township/ tribal based Defense Forces were formed to resist the military regime. Among the states, Chin and Kayah have the largest number of defense forces, where local defense forces are also found in Shan, Kayin, Kachin and Mon states as well. No local defense force formation in Rakhine State is observed.

  • Karenni State Defense Forces

               The Karenni National Defense Force (KPDF) was formed under the political leadership of the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) in Kayah State and several townships of Shan State where Karenni people live. KNDF is made up of youths from various townships of Loikaw, Moepye, Demoso, Hpruso, Bawlakhe, Hpsawng and Hpekhon.   It is estimated that the number of permanent members is about 10,000 and 5000 reserved members under the KNDF. Between August and October, there were at least 46 clashes between the military council and the Karenni Army (KA). At least 15 times of armed clashes between the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) and the Junta troops are also reported during that period. The fighting was mainly broke out in Hpekon, Loikaw, Demoso, Bawlakhe and Phruso Townships.

  • Defense Forces in Chin state

Township and Tribal based defense forces have formed in Chin state and beyond where Chin people live. In and around 16 of force groups are observed using the name of Chinland Defense Forces, and defense forces with different names are also seen such as such as CNDF and PDF-Zoland. Under the leadership of CNF in terms of command and control, a joint defense coordination body called Chinland Joint Defense Committee (CJDC) was also formed. Approximately, the strength of army personnel under CJDC is over 13000.

From August to October, at least 40 clashes had taken place between CDFs and SAC’s troops in Tedim, Thantland, Mindat, Matupi, Hakha, Min Kin, Kalay-Kabaw, Kanpetlet and Paletlet Towships.

  • Defense forces in Mon state

               It is reported that G-Z youths, students, civilians, staff and technicians together formed local forces in various Townships under the name of Mon National Guard Force in Townships. Township defense forces emerged in 13 Townships such as Kyeiktho, Thaton, Mawlamyine, Chaungsone, Thanbyuzayat, Bilin, Paung, Kyeimayaw, Mudon, Ye, Theinyazat and so on.               From August to October, at least 11 clashes were reported between SAC’s troops and a Joint operation of KNU and local defense forces in Mon state. At least 6 clashes were also reportedly observed between people’s defense forces and Military Junta troops in Kyeiktho, Bilin, Thaton, and Ye Townships.

  • Defense forces in Kachin state

Under the leadership of KIA/KIO in Kachin State, at least 11 Township-based People’s Defense Forces have been formed.

Between August and October, there were at least 49 incidents of armed clashes between Junta troops and the KIA took place. The townships with the highest number of clashes are Putao, Tanning, Hpakant, Nanmati, Mokaung, Mokyein and Momauk.

  • Defense Forces in Kayin state

The emergence of some local defense forces is observed in Kayin state and the Townships where Kayin people stay. However, no clashes are reported in which Township defense forces from Kayin state have been involved.

Between August and October, at least 47 times of armed clashes between Junta troops and KNU happened. Joint operation of KNU and People’s Defense Forces against the Terrorist troop occurred at least (6) times in Pha-an, Myawaddy, Kawkareik, Kyar Inn Seik Townships.

  • Defense Forces in Shan state

Ethnic groups in Shan state formed at least 11 groups/forces of the township and ethnic-based People Defense Force. The formation of Defense Force based on Pa-O, Tachileik, Shan North, Taung Gyi, Ngawncho, Shan South, Inn, Danu, Taung-yo and Tipaw which have determined to work together with NUG’s military wing.

Between August and October, at least 61 incidents of armed clashes occurred between Junta troops and Ethnic Armed Groups. Most of the fights reportedly happen between the Kukang armed group (MNDAA) and Military Regime troops. At least 15 clashes were also broken out between local people’s defense forces and the Regime troops. Armed clashes were also seen between Ethnic armed groups in Shan state.

The armed conflict zones between Junta troops and local defense forces in Shan state were Nam Kham, Muse, Pan Saing, Mung Ko, Kautkhai, ThinNi and Lashio Townships.

Compiled and presented by the Federal Journal.

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