
The situation of Spring Revolution in Ethnic Areas

Quarterly Report (November 2024 – January 2025)

The situation of Spring Revolution in Ethnic Areas

Quarterly Report (November 2024 – January 2025)

The Federal Journal-Myanmar gathers information and publishes situational reports monthly on public activities, movements and coordination of the ethnic peoples in resisting the military junta in Myanmar. By this time, the report focused on political dynamic and conflict development in the past three months (from November 2024 – January 2025) by examining about casualties in both sides (the junta troops and resistant forces) due to conflict incidents, destruction of civilian structures due to the Junta’s airstrikes, operation and shelling, displacement, the captured outposts and towns of SAC by revolutionary groups and development of administrative or political coordination bodies in Ethnic areas.

Part (I)

  • Armed Clashes and casualties in both sides

In the past three months from November 2024 to January 2025, the total of 409 armed clashes was documented which occurred between the SAC’s troops and resistant forces. Rakhine state was the region where the most conflict incidents happened with the total of 105 times, followed by Kachin state with 92 times and Karen state with 66 times, Shan state with 54 times, Chin state with 50 times, Karenni state with 22 times and Mon state with 20 times respectively. In those three months of armed conflicts, at least 2701 of the junta troops were killed and about 98 fighters from resistant forces gave their lives for the success of revolution.

  • Kachin state

In the past three months, during the armed conflict between the junta troops and joint forces of KIA and PDFs, at least 285 troops of SAC were reportedly killed and 33 soldiers from the revolutionary gave their lives for freedom.

A joint force of Kachin Independence Army – KIA and People Defense Force – PDF seized Kanpaiti town, Lanse town which was controlled by Tanku militia group, military bases called Sitmyithnar Payagone and Panche in November, 2024. The joint forces of KIA and PDF also captured Shwedwan, Saipan village and Yarlati outposts where SAC troops, Shanni National Army-SNA and Phyusawhtee stationed together in Homalin township in Sagaing region. The joint force of KIA and PDF seized the total of 12 outposts along the road between Bahmo and Mansi township. In January 2025, the joint force of KIA and PDF captured Mansi town and many SAC bases of SAC in Bhamo town, have been fighting to capture the town of Bhamo totally.

  • Chin state

In Chin state, it was reported that 82 soldiers of SAC were killed by Chin resistant forces in the previous three months conflict incidents in Chin state and 31 freedom fighters gave their lives for the success of revolution from resistant side.

A joint force of the Chinland council seized two SAC outposts known as Point 3 and Ruavazung located between Hakha and Thantland townships. Chin Brotherhood carried out CB operation to captured towns in Chin state and captured Mindat town in December. As a result of the fall of Mindat town, SAC troops stationed in Kanpetet town fled from the town and so Kanpetlet town also become under the control of CDF-Kanpetlet. So, the whole Southern part of Chin state become liberated from SAC station. CB operation is still ongoing in Falam town with aiming the total control on Falam township.

  • Shan state

In the past three months, during in the armed conflicts in Shan state between SAC and joint force of resistant groups, it was reported that about 374 SAC troops were killed and 10 freedom fighters from revolutionary groups fell for the success of revolution.

In the southern part of Shan state, armed clashes between PaOo National Liberation Army – PNLA and a joint force of SAC and its alliance militia called PNO/A in November in some areas in Maukme and Ywangan townships. In the northern part of Shan, clashes between SAC and Taang National Liberation Army- TNLA in some areas in Nawnghkio township, and armed clashes were seen between a joint force of TNLA and Danu People Liberation Army – DPLA and the military junta in some areas in Naunghkio and Yatsauk townships.

  • Karenni state

In the past three month of fighting in Karenni state between SAC and the joint force of Karenni state, it was reported that at least 56 SAC troops were killed and 15 resistant forces fell in those battles.

In Karenni state, intensive armed conflict were erupted between SAC and a joint force of resistant groups including KNDF in Loilinlay, Pekon , Sotasha, Loikaw townships and in the border areas of Shan and Karenni state. Karenni Army – KA captured Melayu base which is the base of SAC’s LIB 134 battalion in December 2024. Armed conflict between a joint force of revolution and SAC happened in some areas in Bawlakhe township in January 2025.

  • Karen state

In the past three months, it was documented that 316 members of SAC were killed and 5 members of resistant groups in the fighting between joint force of revolution groups called Karen National Liberation Army – KNLA and People Defense Force -PDF and the military junta.

The armed conflict between the joint forces of revolutionary groups (Karen National Liberation Army and Karen People Defense Force) and SAC troops were concentrated in Mutraw district, Manerplaw region, Northern part of Kawkareik and Nyaunglebin district. A joint force of revolution (KNLA and KPDF) seized Mahtaw outpost of SAC in Mutraw district in November, Taung Tone Lone outpost of SAC in December 2024. Moreover, the joint force revolutionary groups also seized SAC’s LIB913 which based at the Manerplaw area on 16 December 2024 which marked the reclaim of KNU’s former headquarters that was full of revolutionary histories and memories. In January 2025, the joint force of KNLA and KPDF captured Khutesoe outpost of SAC in Ledo township.

  • Mon state

In the past three months from November 2024 to January 2025, it is reported that at least 125 SAC troops were killed in the fighting between Mon revolution forces and the Myanmar military junta and 4 revolutionary members were also fell in armed conflict.

Armed clashes in Mon state were concentrated in Thanbyuzayat, Ye and Kyeikhto townships in the past three months between the military junta and the joint force of revolutionary groups in Mon state. A joint force of New Mon State Party – Anti Dictatorship – NMSP AD and Mon state revolutionary force – MSRF seized SAC’s KyonKyai based LIB 106 and LIB 586 on December 17, 2024. In January 2025, some clashes between SAC and revolutionary groups were reported in Ye township.

  • Rakhine state

In the past three months from November 2024 to January 2025, it was reported that 1463 SAC members died in the fighting between AA and SAC.

Arakan Army – AA seized ThaPaKha 926, TaThaKha – 10, LIB 346 Ann town Base, LIB 544 and LIB 317 and Ann based artillery unit in November 2024. It was documented that AA captured the whole township of TaungKup, Ann town where the Western Command Headquarters base and Gwa township in December 2024. In January 2025, AA’s military operation spread into its border areas with Ayeyarwady, Pagu and Magway and seized Moethitaung outpost of SAC. In the present, AA has captured 14 townships out of 17 townships in Rakhine state and Paletwa township in Chin state.

  • The Impact of Conflict incidents on Civilians

In the past three months from November 2024 to January 2025, at least 493 civilians were killed due to the airstrikes and indiscriminate artillery shelling of SAC, landmine in conflict areas and shot dead in conflict incidents in ethnic areas. At least 1970 houses were destroyed by torching, shelling into civilian resident areas in ethnic areas by SAC.

In the reporting period, it was reported that Rakhine state was the most civilian casualties with the number of 193, Kachin state was the second most with 139, follow by Shan state with 105, Karenni state with 23, Karen state with 17, Chin state with 14 and Mon state with 4 respectively.

While looking at the damage of civilian structures, Rakhine state was in the top with 1143, Chin state with 365 as the second highest, Shan state with 258 as the third highest, follow by Karenni state with 102, Kachin state with 48, Karen state with 45 and Mon state with 9 respectively.

Part (II)

The Activities of State/ Ethnic Councils and Committee

  • Pa-O National Federal Council – PNFC

Pa-O National Federal Council – PNFC is learnt that it has been with a close relation with other revolutionary alliances and will continue its cooperation with revolutionary groups in terms of political and military ways. December 11 in 2024 marked the 75th anniversary of Pa-O National Revolution Day and released a statement which included the 7 points on that day. In the statement, PNFC will continue its fights for the freedom of all nationalists with the collaboration with other ethnic groups in Myanmar with the mind-set of “the cause of Union is the cause of Pa-O”. The statement also stated that political crisis of Myanmar should be solved by political means by practicing the federal state building principles which allow the emergence of new state for the stateless ethnic groups. The statement also affirmed that PNFC and PNLO stand on a peaceful negotiation approach rather than solving problem with armed violence between Pa-O inter groups and inter-ethnic groups except to prevent Pa-O people and other ethnic people. Pa-O National Federal Council-PNFC has been giving public services like education, health, and leading politics and military activities for Pa-O people.

  • Ta-ang Political Consultative Council – TPCC

Ta-ang political consultative council – TPCC has been working public consultation activities across Ta-ang region by discussing the current Myanmar political situation and development and reviewing the local challenges which support and encourage the emergence of inclusive Ta-ang state government. Public discussion and consultation were conducted in Kutkhai, Maiwi and NangKam township. In addition, Ta-ang National conference was held successfully and the conference statement was released saying that that SAC’s planning of Sham election was objected publicly and the politics of Ta-ang areas will follow according to the steps political roadmap.

  • Chinland Council

The Chinland council directed to emerge the Chinland Government, Chinland Parliament and Chinland judiciary in accordance with the constitution. The Chinland government has been delivering public services such as public administration, education and health for people in Chinland. The Chinland parliament also passed the laws which support the revolution and the Chinland chief of justice has also been working to promote the rule of law in Chinland. The Chairman of the Chinland council, Pu Zing Cung expressed on his new year message that the current political movement is the time that the people of Chinland are shaping and practicing their self-determination and democracy. He also encouraged the people of Chinland to work harder and together to completely wipe out the existence of the military junta in Chinland as it controls only four towns. Pu Zing Cung stressed the need of unity among different actors in Chinland and also urged the people of Chinland to promote unity which is the most significant one for building the Chin future. What is more, Pu Zing Cung said in his message that SAC has no legitimacy and authority to held the election, there is no way of free and fair election under SAC and so the people of Chinland must reject SAC’s Sham election.

  • Karenni State Consultative Council

KSCC was able to form the bureaucratic administration by carrying out an inclusive conference according to the Karenni interim political arrangement. KSCC approved the interim education policy in November 2024. The interim education policy includes early childhood education, basic education, higher education, professional education, private education and special education arrangement. KSCC approved also the interim health policy.

It is also learnt that KSCC would draft the important policies and federal principles of Karenni for the future federal union by discussing and consulting different actors in Karenni state.  Moreover, KSCC has been cooperating and collaborating tirelessly with other organizations to meet justices for the crimes committed by SAC in Karenni state even if it is at the International Criminal Court.

References –

  1. Independence Medias
  2. Interim State Consultative Councils
  3. Reports of ethnic human rights organizations and CSOs
  4. Ethnic medias
  5. Exclusive interviews of the Federal Journal Myanmar

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