The Situation of Spring Revolution in Ethnic Areas
Quarterly Report (August – October 2024)
The Federal Journal-Myanmar gathers information and publishes situational reports monthly on public activities, movements and coordination of the ethnic peoples in resisting the military junta in Myanmar. By this time, the report focused on the political dynamic and conflict development in the past three months (from August – October 2024) by examining about casualties in both sides (the junta troops and resistant forces) due to conflict incidents, destruction of civilian structures due to the Junta’s airstrikes, operation and shelling, displacement, the captured outposts of SAC by revolutionary groups and development of administrative or political coordination bodies in Ethnic areas.
Part (I)
- Armed Clashes and casualties in both sides
In the past three months from August to October 2024, the total of 624 armed clashes occurred between the SAC’s troops and resistant forces. Karen state was the most conflict incidents happened region with the total of 147 times, followed by Shan state with 114 times and Rakhine state with 106 times, Chin state with 80 times, Kachin with 75 times, Mon state with 64 times and Karenni state with 38 times respectively. In those three months of armed conflicts, at least 2441 of the junta troops were killed and about 93 fighters from resistant forces gave their lives for the success of revolution.
- Kachin state
In the past three months, during the armed conflict between the junta troops and joint forces of KIA and PDFs, at least 136 troops of SAC were reportedly killed and 4 soldiers from the revolutionary gave their lives for freedom.
A joint force of Kachin Independence Army – KIA and People Defense Force – PDF seized many SAC outposts such as Tayang Zup, two outposts from Nsawp village, Lamawng outpost, Tawmaw outpost, Moemauk LIB 437 and Kaung Ja Yan outposts in August 2024. The joint forces of KIA and PDF also captured Seng Tawng police station and other five outposts including Chipwi town in September 2024. The joint force also raided SAC’s LIB 298, Binlebu in Sagaing, Border Guard Force – BGF battalion 1002 base Lupi village, Sing Jai BGF battalion 1003 headquarters and the town of Pangwa in October 2024. The joint force of KIA and PDF are being able to control Sadung, Chipwi, Pangwa, Tsawlaw towns under the areas of Kachin Special region (1).
- Chin state
In Chin state, it is reported that 75 soldiers of SAC were killed by Chin resistant forces in the previous three months conflict incidents in Chin state. 35 freedom fighters gave their lives for the success of revolution from resistant side.
A joint force of the Chinland council and Chin National Army – CNA seized SAC’s LIB 269 base in August. The joint forces of resistant groups were able to capture the SAC bases known as Lai Villa in September. In October, the resistant forces seized SAC’s Kiamtlang outpost and SAC base at CB Bank respectively.
- Shan state
In the past three months, during in the armed conflicts in Shan state between SAC and joint force of resistant groups, 364 SAC troops were killed and 5 freedom fighters from resistant fell in honor for the success of revolution.
In August, armed conflict between revolutionary forces and a joint forces of SAC and militia group called PNO/PNA in Yatsaut and Hsihseng townships in the southern part of Shan state. An intensified fighting between SAC and MNDAA, as well as SAC and TNLA were reported in Natsam, Sipawl, Nawngcho township in the northern part of Shan state. As the second wave of the 1027 operation, offensive operation of MNDAA and its alliance forces were able to seize the Lashio town and the SAC’s Northeastern Command Center, No (1) Operational Command Center, SAC’s LIB 501 and 502 successfully. TNLA and its alliance forces were able to take Taung Kam Artillery Command Headquarters – 902 and artillery battalion 354, LIB 503, LIB 504 in Naungcho township in September 2024. Moreover, a joint force of TNLA and its alliance also captured the LIB 23 in Hsipaw township.
- Karenni state
In the past three month of fighting in Karenni state between SAC and the joint force of Karenni state, 110 SAC troops were reportedly killed and 43 resistant forces fell in those battles.
In Karenni state, armed conflict were erupted between SAC and resistant forces in Loikaw, Pekon and northern part of Karenni state, the border areas of Karenni and Shan in the past three mohth. The joint forces of Loikaw PDF, KNDF, Karenni National People’s Liberation Front – KNPLF and resistant forces based in the southern part of Shan state were able to seize the Yaykyaw outpost of SAC in Bawlakhe district in August 2024. Karenni Army – KA attacked and captured Htoo Chaung outpost of SAC in Phasaung and Bawlakhe township in October.
- Karen state
In the past three months, 282 members of SAC were killed in the fighting between joint force of revolution group called Karen National Liberation Army – KNLA and People Defense Force -PDF and the military junta.
The armed conflict between the joint forces of revolutionary groups and SAC troops were happened in Duplaya district, Kawkareik, Kyarinseikyi twoship, some areas in Doo Tha Htoo district, the areas in Kawthoolei, and Nyaunglaypin district. The revolutionary forces led by KNLA seized SAC’s Hlutshan outpost in Win Yay township in September and Kawpok outpost in in Hpapun district in October in 2024.
- Mon state
In the past three months from August to October 2024, fighting between Mon resistant forces and SAC occurred in Mon state where 70 SAC troops were killed and 6 revolutionary members were also fell in conflict.
Armed clashes in Mon state was concentrated in in Thanbyuzayat, Bilin, Mudon and Ye townships in the past three months between the military junta and the joint force of revolutionary groups in Mon state; New Mon State Party – Anti Dictatorship – NMSP AD, Karen National Liberation Army – KNLA and Ye People Defense Force – YPDF.
- Rakhine state
In the past three months from August to October, armed clashes between AA and SAC happened across the state in which 830 members of the junta troops were reportedly killed in fighting in Rakhine.
AA has gained ground control in most areas in the northern part of Rakhine state and also has been conducting offensive operation in and around Sittwe, Thandwe, kwa and Taunggup townships. In the present, AA has taken over the townships such as Myebon, Minbya, Mrauk U, Kyauktaw, Pauktaw, Ponnagyun, Rathedaung, Buthidaung, Ramree townships. AA also control the Paletwa township of Chin state. Armed conflict and clashes were also happened in Kyeintali township and captured a strategic junta hilltop called Mae Taung in Ann township which is near the areas of the Western Military Command headquarters base.
- The Impact of Conflict incidents on Civilians
In the past three months from August to October in 2024, at least 990 civilians were killed due to the airstrikes and indiscriminate artillery shelling of SAC, landmine in conflict areas and shot dead in conflict incidents in ethnic areas. At least 1925 houses were destroyed by torching, shelling into civilian resident areas in ethnic areas by SAC.
In the reporting period, it was reported that Shan state was the most civilian casualties with the number of 544, in Rakhine state the second most with 306, Kachin state with 59, Mon state with 48, Karen state with 19, Chin state with 8 and Karenni with 6 respectively.
While looking at the damage of civilian structures, Kachin state was in the top with 673, Shan state with 581, Rakhine state with 381, Chin state with 94, Karen and Karenni with 87 each and Mon with 22 respectively.
Part (II)
The Activities of State/ Ethnic Councils and Committee
- Pa-O National Federal Council – PNFC
Pa-O National Federal Council – PNFC has been working with its revolutionary alliances for the political development and closely working in military sector with other ethnic armed organizations. With the policy guidance of PNFC, the PNLA conducted military operation together with Karenni Army – KA and KNDF in the southern part of Shan and in the border areas of Shan and Karenni according to PNFC chairman U Khun Myit Tun. PNFC conducted a public consultation on federal democratic charter to improve Pa-O people participation. Moreover, U Khun Myit Tun said that Pa-O education committee was formed in August 2024 to implement the education in both in person and online activities by the guidance of PNFC.
The chairman of PNFC, U Khun Myit Tun expressed in the public consultation that Pa-O state constitution has been drafted which is vitally important for the emergence of Pa-O state is a core responsibility of Pa-O people. PNFC is one of the nine revolutionary groups which released a statement and principles of EROS, state and ethnic councils on the building of future federal democratic union including the fact that how to make a better coordination between them.
- Mon State Federal Council
After carrying out the second conference in May 2024, the Mon State Federal Council – MSFC was able to work on the constitution to be in line with the revolution period and transitional period. After the emergence of New Mon State Party – Anti Dictatorship in Mon state, coordination between NMSP-AD and MSFC has improved and discussion between them is happening through mediation team to find and agree on something they can implement jointly.
As a military coordination, MSFC has a close relation and supports to the Mon state revolution forces, Mon state defense forces. In the political sector, discussion and talks has been held between MSFC and revolutionary groups namely NMSP-AD, MLA. At the same time, the administration committee of MSFC also worked on education and health and humanitarian aid for IDPs in the northern part, Western part and central parts of Mon state. The administration branch has been leading 9 departments and working for the whole Mon state in each department. MSFC has done drafting a constitution and worked on the process of amending to add more principles which are necessary for the transition period. Despite having limitation in controlling group territory in Mon state by resistant forces, some communities and areas has been controlled jointly with revolutionary alliances forces. Nai Mon Sai who is a spoke person of MSFC told the federal journal Myanmar in the interview that apart from giving education and health services, mother tongue-based education will be implement in the Mon communities in accordance with the education policy of MSFC.
- Chinland Council
The Chinland council was emerged in accordance with the Chinland Constitution which was ratified in 2023. Then, the Chinland Council formed Chinland Government, Chinland Parliament, Local governance in accordance with the constitution. The Chinland government has 14 ministries and which are trying to deliver public services for the people. If we look at the political development in Chin state, the emergence of administration, judiciary and parliament branches are seen and local governance is also in the process of stabilizing.
The Chinland Parliament has adopted five laws in the present and the judiciary branches also work on the criminal and civil cases. In the local level governance, about 18 different local administration is seen in Chinland. These are not formed based on to the former existing 9 township approach but it is according to the political development, conflict dynamic of the Chinland and interim Chinland constitution. Apart from the existing Chin state, the Chinland include some parts of Kalay, Kabaw and Gangaw areas and some other areas as upcoming political unit of self-governance areas.
In considering territory control in Chin state, many rural areas in Hakha, Tonzan township, Rih town, Hualngoram, Lailianpi, Zotung, Lautu and other areas have been under Chin armed actors. According to the interview with vice chairman, he told to federal journal Myanmar that the Chinland council, about 65 percent of all the receiving revenue goes to defense sector to balance the poltical and military development in Chinland.
- Karenni State Consultative Council
KSCC was able to form the bureaucratic administration by carrying out an inclusive conference according to the Karenni interim political arrangement. Interim Executive Council – IEC released a statement to implement the rule of law program by the coordination with military leaders of the Karenni state revolutionary groups. In the implementing process of the rule of law, the task force and special forces will be formed and given authority for the effectiveness of their work on the rule of law. Karenni state interim parliament approved the parliamentary related act which has 12 chapters in accordance with political arrangement. The IEC’s education department opened the number of 361 schools in Karenni state. Moreover, in the report of one year education department, it is said that a comprehensive university will begun soon and Karenni curriculum standard framework and teacher competency standard framework will be implemented by the help and coordination of educational institutions and individual experts.
References –
- Independence Medias
- Interim state consultative Councils
- Reports of ethnic human rights organization and CSOs
- Ethnic medias
- Exclusive interviews of the federal Journal Myanmar